United States persons (including entities) may be subject to U.S. taxation on their worldwide income and may be subject to tax and other filing obligations with respect to their U.S. and non-U.S. accounts. U.S. persons and entities should consult a tax advisor for more information.
1 The information about the costs of the cards described in this application was published on and is accurate for April through June 2015. This information may have changed after that period. To find out what may have changed, call us at 877.472.2249.
2 The Prime Rate used is the highest domestic U.S. Prime Rate published in the "Money Rates" chart of The Wall Street Journal on the first business day of the preceding calendar quarter.
3 BusinessCard Rewards: For consolidated pay option accounts there is an annual fee of $25.00 for only the central control billing account. For individual billing accounts, the annual fee is $25.00 per individual billing account.
NEW YORK RESIDENTS may contact the New York State Banking Department to obtain a comparative listing of credit card rates, fees and grace periods. New York State Banking Department, 800.522.3330.
APPLICABLE LAW: The above rates and fees are governed, as are your Cardholder Agreement and Account, by the laws and regulations of the State of Virginia, as well as the applicable laws and regulations of the United States of America.
Subject to Credit Approval.
Applicable to new MasterCard BusinessCard® Card Programs Only.
Introductory Rate Option Cardholder Agreement Amendment:
If you decide to take advantage of this 0% APR offer for all balances you transfer, Line of Credit Checks you write, cash advances and purchases you make with your credit card, the following terms and conditions will apply and your Cardholder Agreement shall be amended accordingly:
The corresponding ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE (APR) shall be at a fixed rate of 0% (monthly Periodic Rate of .000% for Purchases, daily Periodic Rate of .00000% for Loans). This rate shall apply to new purchases obtained via your credit card and loans obtained via the Line of Credit Checks, balance transfers and cash advances.
Line of Credit checks are subject to applicable negotiation rules. HSBC is not responsible for checks returned for insufficient available credit. The maximum amount of all balances transferred, Line of Credit checks written, cash advances and purchases cannot exceed your available credit under this Account.
You may not use this Balance Transfer option to make a payment on your Account or to pay off other HSBC credit accounts.
This introductory APR shall remain in effect for six months from the date your account is opened. After that date, the program and its terms shall be deemed expired and the then applicable Account rates and terms as described in the Truth-In-Lending Disclosures and in your Cardholder Agreement shall apply and your Loans and Purchases interest rates shall revert to the rates then in effect.
This Introductory Rate Option offer is applicable only to this Account, per the above terms and conditions.
All other provisions of your Cardholder Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Until your balance transfers are processed, you may need to make a minimum payment to your other accounts to keep them current. HSBC will process your balance transfer requests from the highest to the lowest amount. The total amount of balance transfers cannot exceed your maximum available credit limit, whether or not it is sufficient to cover your total balance transfer request. HSBC will advise you when payment is mailed.
If you are unable to print this disclosure or have any questions, please call us toll free at 877.472.2249.