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What’s a good conversion rate? A conversion rate that’s better than the one you currently have.
Whatever your current conversion rate is, today’s top conversion rate optimization experts have banded together to help you double it… in just 23 days.
We’re talking about the best of the best.
You’ll learn copywriting tactics from Joanna Wiebe, psychological persuasion from Bart Schutz, how to conduct conversion research from Michael Aagaard, how to run proper A/B tests from Craig Sullivan, and much more.
23 days, 12 world class practitioners, 12 world class lessons, hundreds of actionable insights.
Real insights and lessons you can actually use.
How many free email courses have you signed up for, only to get the “same old” content in your inbox? This time, you’ll actually get real world insights that you can take and apply to your site right away.
Every email ends with a list of takeaways so that you can begin improving your conversion rate after each lesson.
No fluff. Nothing you’ve read half a dozen times.
Unlock access to the ConversionXL Live 2015 videos.
Friends don’t let friends have low conversion rates.
If you share the email course with your friends and just one of them signs up for the course too, you’ll unlock all of the ConversionXL Live 2015 videos. That means even more insights from experts like Bryan Eisenberg, Andre Morys, Matt Gershoff and more.